Tips & Tricks: How to Avoid Armpit Stains to Wear Clean Shirts

Everyone loves to wear white shirts to increase the beauty of their outfits but getting stains under the armpits is also a risk. It can ruin your outfit for an event at the last moment. Ever wonder what causes dark underarm stains on clothes?

A general answer to this question is sweat, but in reality, it’s much more complex. Normally, the sweat is colorless but the sweat produced under the armpits (Apocrine sweat glands) is different.

It contains fat and protein that leaves yellow marks. Sometimes, it’s almost impossible to get rid of those stains with a regular wash.   

So, if you want to learn some effective ways to clean the armpits of your shirts, following these methods will help you a lot:

How to Avoid Armpit Stains?

Keep your Clothes Sweat Free

The first and most important thing to avoid armpit stains is to not let your clothes soak up the sweat. Mostly, people just throw their clothes in the basket and wait the entire week to wash them. Until then, the clothes absorbed all the sweat and produces stains under the armpits.

One of the reasons that people delay their washing schedule is because of their job and lack of time. However, they can hire the best laundry service provider like Love2Laundry. Their professionals will pick your clothes from your house wash them with the best detergents, and drop them back to your house.

Use Undershirts as a Barrier

Another effective way to avoid stains under armpits is to wear an undershirt that’ll protect your main outfit from sweat. However, you should always keep in mind to wear loose clothes will keep your body temperature normal as tight clothes will rise your body temperature and will result in sweating

a man wearing dark blue shirt with black tie, the shirt is full of sweat.

Break the Habit of Consuming Caffeine

Drinking too much coffee can be one of the reasons for stains under the armpits as it keeps the body temperature high and cause sweating. Not only coffee but any hot drinks can lead to sweating by raising the body temperature, so the best solution is to avoid or reduce the use of such drinks.

However, if you still find stains on the armpits of your shirts and don’t have the resources to wash them, then you can hire the services of Love2Laundry as their workers will wash your clothes and make them as clean as the new ones.

Add Sweat Free Foods to your Diet

It’s better to take care of your diet by adding foods that reduce the sweat in your body. For instance, foods with high sodium like bacon, sausages, and beans increase the speed of the digestion process of your body and as a result, your body sweats more than normal becomes one of the main reasons for getting stains under your armpits.

Use Deodorant to Tackle Armpit Sweat

Applying deodorants under the armpits is considered one of the easiest ways how to avoid armpit stains. It blocks all the sweat under your armpits and keeps your shirt safe from yellowish stains. It’ll also give you a nice smell that’ll attract everyone’s attention.

However, you must remember that the effect of deodorant won’t last longer. So, if you feel like the stains are slowly appearing under the armpits, then you should better contact Love2Laundry to get your clothes washed by professionals.

a woman applying deodrant to her armpit to minimize body odour

Avoid Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for health but no one knows that it’s one of the main reasons for getting sweat under armpits. That’s because cigarette contains nicotine and excessive intake increases body temperature which causes the sweat under armpits. More importantly, your heart will beat faster than normal and all the sweat glands gets overworked.

Double the Intake of Water 

Keeping yourself hydrated could be one of the essential reasons how to prevent armpit sweat on shirts. It’s very simple and easy. As your body works the entire day, it releases sweat, and drinking water frequently will keep your body temperature low and limits the flow of sweat. Thus, the sweat under the armpits will slowly disappear and the stains will not appear.

Let the Experienced One Handle the Problem

If you’re not satisfied with the laundry services in your area and don’t have enough resources like your preferred detergent or lack of time, then opting for Love2Laundry is the best choice for you.

Their employees are considered the most experienced ones and have all the modern equipment like detergents, washing machines, and dryers. The company will pick up your clothes from your house and will safely return them to your place completely clean, just like a new outfit.

Botox, the Armpit Savior

If your sweating problem keeps getting worse and worse, then switching to a Botox treatment is the right choice. The protein Botox contains suppresses the flow of sweat under the armpits. Keep in mind that Botox only stops the sweat only in the injected areas and that’s why people usually prefer to inject it under armpits.

Final Thoughts

Now you can say goodbye to the stains under your armpits as you’ll find many effective ways like reducing the caffeine intake, avoiding foods that cause sweat, and even stopping smoking. You can also keep yourself hydrated by drinking water to keep your body temperature low to reduce the flow of sweat.

However, if your clothes still get stains under your armpits and you don’t have enough time and resources to wash your clothes, then you can contact Love2Laundry to hire their service so that you can relax knowing that your clothes are under the care of experienced individuals.