Tips and Tricks on How to Keep Clothes Smelling Fresh in your Wardrobe

clothes hanging in wardrobe

Having fresh-smelling clothes not only boosts your confidence but also leaves a positive impression on others. However, in our regular lives, perspiration, humidity, and environmental contaminants may all cause our clothing to soon start to smell musty.

Therefore, it is important to follow a few tips and tricks to keep your clothes smelling fresh for a long. In this article, we have put together a list of simple and easy-to-follow tips and tricks on how to keep clothes smelling fresh. 

Understanding the main cause behind smelly clothes? 

Understanding the reasons why garments take on bad odors is crucial before looking at alternatives. The main causes are sweat and germs, which, if untreated, can result in smells that are difficult to get rid of. Addressing the underlying issues will help us stop smells before they start.

Tips on How to Keep Clothes Smelling Fresh

Tip 1: Sort Clothes Before Washing

To ensure that your clothes retain their freshness, sort them before washing them. Separate heavily soiled items, such as gym clothes or workout gear, from everyday wear. This prevents the spread of odors and ensures each load receives the appropriate treatment.

a stack of folded clothes

Tip 2: Use the Right Detergent

Do you know detergent plays an important role in this, therefore, it is extremely important to use a detergent that is formulated with fresh-scented formulations. There are a number of detergents available in the market that are not only eco-friendly but also nicely cleaned your clothes while making sure that they don’t fade.

Keep clothes smelling fresh by using a good detergent, this will not only help to make your clothes smells fresh but also effectively target and eliminate bacteria and odor-causing agents. 

Also Read: Guide to choose the best detergent

a stack of clothes and a bottle of liquid detergent

Tip 3: Add Vinegar to Your Laundry

Vinegar is a natural deodorizer and can help neutralize odors in your clothes. Add half a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle to leave your clothes smelling fresh and clean. Also, vinegar helps to keep your clothes looking brighter and cleaner. 

a bottle of vinegar to keep your clothes smelling fresh

Tip 4: Air Dry Your Clothes 

Sunlight works wonders in removing odors from clothes. After washing, hang your clothes outside in direct sunlight. The sun’s UV rays will naturally disinfect and refresh your garments.

a girl and a boy is air drying clothes

Tip 5: Utilize Baking Soda

Baking soda is another excellent natural deodorizer. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to your laundry load to eliminate stubborn smells and keep your clothes smelling fresh. Moreover, baking soda works best for workout clothes because it will not deeply cleanse your clothes but also remove any sort of sweaty and musty odor from your clothes, making them smell fresh. 

a measuring cup with baking soda in it

Tip 6: Store Clothes Properly

Proper storage plays a crucial role in maintaining the freshness of your clothes. Ensure your wardrobe is well-ventilated and avoid overcrowding. Additionally, consider using scented sachets or cedar balls to infuse a pleasant aroma in your closet.

a girl is holding shirts on a hanger

Tip 7: Avoid Overuse of Fabric Softeners

While fabric softeners add a pleasant scent to clothes, using them excessively can create a buildup that traps odors. Use fabric softeners sparingly to prevent this issue and this will keep clothes smelling fresh.

Also Read: Pros and cons of fabric softener

a bottle of fabric softener on a table with stack of towel

Tip 8: Clean Your Washing Machine Regularly

A clean washing machine ensures that your clothes come out smelling fresh. Regularly clean your machine and perform maintenance to prevent the transfer of odors to your laundry.

a hand holding a capsule of laundry detergent

Tip 9: Hang Dry Your Clothes

Whenever possible, opt for hang-drying your clothes instead of using the dryer. This helps preserve the freshness of your clothes and minimizes exposure to heat that can lock in odors.

different color clothes hanging on a hanging stand

Tip 10: Keep Your Wardrobe Fresh

To keep your clothes smelling fresh even after they leave the laundry, consider placing scented sachets or cotton balls infused with essential oils in your drawers or closet.


You can keep your clothes fresh and say goodbye to bad odors by using these straightforward but helpful tips and tactics. Cleanliness is an energizing smell that will fill your closet and make you feel confident and prepared to take on the day.


Why don’t my clothes smell fresh after washing?

If your clothes are not smelling fresh after the wash, the most common reason behind this is that either you are using too much or too less detergent while washing your clothes. Therefore, while doing laundry make sure that you are using enough detergent that not only cleans your clothes but also makes them smell fresh. 

how to keep clothes smelling fresh in your wardrobe? 

There are multiple reasons why your clothes are not smelling fresh in your wardrobe. The most common reasons are listed below

  • Ensure clothes are clean and completely dry before storing.
  • Use scented sachets or natural odor absorbers like cedar blocks.
  • Air out your wardrobe regularly to prevent musty odors.
  • Keep the wardrobe area clean and free from dust.
  • Consider using garment bags or airtight containers for added protection.

Can I use scented dryer sheets to keep my clothes smelling fresh?

Yes, scented dryer sheets can add a pleasant aroma to your clothes, but use them in moderation to avoid buildup.

What are the best essential oils for fresh-smelling clothes?

Lavender, lemon, and eucalyptus essential oils are popular choices for adding a refreshing scent to clothes.

Can I use baking soda on delicate fabrics?

Baking soda is generally safe for most fabrics, but it’s best to do a patch test on delicate items before using it.

How often should I clean my washing machine?

Cleaning your washing machine every three to six months is sufficient to maintain its efficiency and freshness.

Can I mix vinegar and baking soda in the same laundry load?

It’s best to avoid mixing vinegar and baking soda in the same load, as they can neutralize each other’s cleaning properties.