How to Clean Refrigerator to Avoid Smell: Step-by-Step Guide

a lady cleaning refrigerator

Leaving the refrigerator without a proper wash could result in a worst-case scenario, producing a foul smell that’ll make your kitchen hard to stand. One of the main reasons for this foul smell can be leaving the meat in your refrigerator out of order without you knowing about it. 

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Even if your refrigerator is working fine, if you don’t clean it regularly, then after some time, it’ll start to smell. So, if you’re looking for steps on how to clean the refrigerator, then read them below:

Step by Step: How to Clean Refrigerator

Remove Everything from Refrigerator

Everyone knows about this step as it’s the most crucial when cleaning the refrigerator. Removing all the objects from the refrigerator is necessary to clean it easily. 

The best time to clean your refrigerator is when there are fewer food items, so you don’t have to worry about your food. However, if you’re still worried about your food items, you can preserve them in a cooler until you finish cleaning your refrigerator.

a girl is setting next to the refrigerator and holding it's door

Swipe the Inner Part First

After emptying your refrigerator, the next step that you need to follow is to start cleaning the interior first. The perfect solution is to take one-quarter of hot water and two tablespoons of baking soda.

The food absorbs the odors, so a mild cleaning solution is perfect for this job. Apply the solution to the inner part of your refrigerator, gently rinse the entire area with a cloth, and dry it with the help of a towel. This step is considered the best way to clean the inside of the refrigerator.

a girl is cleaning refrigerator from inside with gloves and cleaning solution

Clean up the Refrigerator’s Grille

Cleaning the refrigerator’s grille is also necessary because all the water gets stored in it, and judging by the food items you put in the refrigerator, it can give a bad smell if not cleaned regularly.

So, take the grille out while cleaning the refrigerator, and if you find water in it, throw it away and wipe it with a towel. Then, wash it in warm water filled with a cleaning solution. So, whenever someone asks you how to clean the inside of the refrigerator, don’t forget to take this step.

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a girl is cleaning fridge grills

Keep your Refrigerator’s Coil Clean

Most people might be unaware of it, but cleaning the condenser coil is also essential because if you leave the coils without cleaning, your refrigerator will heat up, produce a nasty smell, and even malfunction.

In that case, you need to unplug your refrigerator, take a brush, and apply it on the coil of your refrigerator to remove all the dust so it’ll prevent your refrigerator from overheating. Cleaning the condenser’s coil twice a year will keep your refrigerator in good condition.

How Often to Deep Clean a Fridge?

If you’re wondering if your fridge needs regular washing, then that’s not true. If you want, you can search on the internet “how often to deep clean a fridge?” and you’ll get the answer to clean your fridge after every three to four months.

Final Words

Washing your refrigerator inside out is a challenging task as you need to make sure of some factors, for example, emptying the refrigerator before cleaning the interior, using the right washing solutions at hand, and ensuring that the condenser coil is dust-free. So, if you don’t know how to clean a refrigerator, then make sure to follow these steps. And one more thing!

If you have an extra task along with refrigerator cleaning, like clothes pending for a wash, then you can hire the laundry services of Love2Laundry to focus on one task while their professionals take care of your clothes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to deep clean a refrigerator?

The best way to deep clean a refrigerator is to remove all the items, shelves, and drawers first, then wash those parts with a mixture of soapy water and the interior with a combination of water and baking soda.

When should I deep clean my fridge?

The best time to clean your fridge is every three to four months or when you start seeing spills and odors.

How do you deep clean a smelly fridge?

It’s simple. Remove all the spoiling items, then all the shelves and drawers. Put baking soda in the refrigerator to absorb the odors, and start cleaning the interior with water and vinegar.

Is vinegar good to clean inside of the fridge?

Absolutely. Vinegar is considered one of the best contenders for cleaning the refrigerator. Just keep in mind that the amount of water and vinegar should be of equal proportion.

Should you turn off the fridge when cleaning?

Well, turning off the fridge while cleaning the interior is not compulsory, but for the safe side, you can unplug your fridge if you want.