Tips to make your clothes last longer

girl is looking at a shirt and thinkin about to make it last longer

If you are an environmentally conscious person then recycling clothes and looking for different ways to reuse your clothes must be your top priority. As fast fashion is growing day by day, more and more men and women love to stay aligned with the current fashion trends this will help to satisfy their fashion needs but on the other hand creates a huge carbon footprint.

Therefore, recycling should be emphasized rather than replacing it every few weeks in order to reduce environmental difficulties. We’ll talk a lot about ways to increase the lifespan of my clothes in this blog. Here, you’re going to learn some of the most incredible techniques and tips to take care of clothes.

How can I increase the lifespan of my clothes? 

Here are the common tips that you can practice in your daily routine and increase the lifespan of your clothing. No matter how old a pair of jeans, shirt, or sweater you own if you practice these tips they will remain fresh and new. 

Invest In Quality Clothing:

Instead of buying an AED70 or AED80 jacket every session, invest in a good quality branded jacket that will last you for years and for multiple sessions. Buying cheap or bad quality clothing items will not only waste hundreds of AEDs but also create a lot of waste which will ultimately contribute to a higher carbon footprint.

Also, expensive clothes are created with top-class fabric, solid colours, and fine stitching that makes the item rough and tough and will last you for a good 5 to 6 years depending on how well you take care of it. 

Don’t Overwash:

One of the key factors in prolonging the lifespan of your favourite clothing items is to avoid over-washing them. Excessive washing can lead to color fading and your clothes will tend to look older in just a few washes. To ensure your clothes last longer, it’s essential to pay attention to the care label instructions before washing and drying them.

The care label provides valuable information about the fabric type, recommended washing method, water temperature, and appropriate drying techniques. By following these guidelines, you can prevent potential damage and maintain the quality of your garments.

Some fabrics are more delicate and require gentle care, while others can withstand regular washing. Overwashing can lead to fibres breaking down, fading of colours, and even shrinkage, especially in garments made from natural fibres like cotton or wool.

Use Mild Detergent:

A mild detergent that contains fewer chemicals can really help to keep your clothes looking the same as new even after several washes. This is because harsh chemicals in strong detergents can weaken the fabric over time, leading to fading. Opting for a gentle detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics helps preserve the integrity of clothes also it is an amazing tip to take care of clothes.

By making this small change in your laundry routine, you can extend the lifespan of your favourite clothes and keep them looking newer for longer. Also, you can go for eco-friendly detergents that are comparatively milder and don’t negatively impact the environment instead of ordinary detergents available in the market.

Don’t Use Hot Water While Washing:

While washing your clothes avoid using hot water. Hot water can make your fabric shrink, fade, and lose its shape. Therefore, if you want to keep your clothes last longer, then start washing your clothes will cold water. This practice will preserve the fabric colour and unnecessary stress on the fibres. 

Don’t Use Bleach:

Bleach is an excellent method for removing stains; nevertheless, it has the potential to break down and discolour fabric over time. Bleach contains harsh chemicals that can cause irreparable damage to the fibres of clothing, which can result in the fibres becoming frayed and losing their suppleness.

Choose other approaches to removing stains instead, or make use of stain removers that are kind to both the fabric and the colour of the stain. By not washing your clothes in bleach, you may protect the vivid colours and structural integrity of your garments, extending their lifespan and ensuring that they continue to look current for many years to come.

Fold Rather Than Hanger:

To increase the life span of your clothing, choose to fold it rather than hang it. This is the best practice for certain clothing items especially knitwear and delicate goods, which can expand and lose their shape over time when they are hung. Clothes can maintain their original shape and are less likely to wrinkle and crease when folded.

Additionally, it reduces fabric stress, minimizing unneeded wear and tear. By following this straightforward procedure, you can maintain the quality and appearance of your clothing, ensuring that it lasts longer and looks brand new for many years to come.

Use Less Detergent:

Using less detergent while washing will not only protect your clothes from damage but also create water pollution. Detergent usage should be minimized while attempting to utilize eco-friendly products.

This process ensures that your clothing maintains its original colour, texture, and softness while also protecting the environment by reducing chemical waste. If you use the right amount of detergent, your clothes will last longer and stay cleaner and fresher for a longer period of time.

Also Read: Best Laundry Detergent for Your Needs

Wash Colored and white Clothes Separately:

Washing coloured and white clothes separately is a crucial step in ensuring your clothes last longer. Mixing different colours in the wash can lead to colour bleeding, leaving white clothes looking dull and coloured ones faded. By separating them, you prevent potential discolouration and maintain the vibrancy of your clothes.

Additionally, washing similar fabrics together reduces the risk of damage caused by abrasive friction. Taking this simple precaution helps preserve the original colors of your clothes and keeps them looking fresh and vibrant, ensuring they remain in excellent condition for the long haul. 


Also, you can get help from professional laundry and dry cleaning services. This is because professional laundry experts like Love2Laundry will handle your clothes with utmost care and make sure that your clothes are nicely washed and cleaned.


In conclusion, our fashion choices have far-reaching consequences, but by adopting these practical tips and techniques, we can make a positive change. By investing in quality, practising gentle care, and being mindful of our consumption, we can not only look stylish but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly fashion industry. Together, we can redefine our approach to fashion and reduce its impact on our planet.