7 Amazing Uses of Borax for Cleaning Your Household

liquid cleaner and borax for household cleaning

Borax is considered one of the crucial ingredients whether you’re washing your laundry or household items. It’s a cleaning chemical from the family of Boron, also known as sodium borate. The uses of borax are mainly to remove stains and even insects, and the best way to use it is to dissolve it in water until a soft white substance is formed.

However, if you don’t have borax at home and want to get your laundry washed with it, contact Love2Laundry immediately to get the most out of their laundry services, as their professionals will clean your clothes with borax.

So, if you want to know how you can use borax to clean your household essentials, then below are the instructions that you can follow:

Uses of Borax for Cleaning Your Home

a man is cleaning household with borax and vinegar

Good for Removing Rust and Kitchen Stains

Keeping your kitchen clean is surely a challenging task, and for that, one of the most essential uses of borax for cleaning your home essentials is that it removes rust and kitchen stains. 

So, it’s simple if you’re thinking about preparing a solution. Combine one cup of borax and ¼ cup of lemon juice to form a paste. Apply the solution to the kitchen sink to remove the strong stains and countertops.

On the other hand, if you want to remove the rust, apply the solution and let it rest for at least 15 minutes and then finally, wipe it off with a soft piece of cloth.

Use for Cleaning Outdoor Furniture

You might be unaware of it, but borax is also a good contender for removing the stains from outdoor furniture left without cleaning for ages. So, whether it’s a stain or a rust, applying a bit of borax on it will do the trick.

You must mix one tablespoon of dish soap, one tablespoon of borax and one-quarter of warm water to form a spray. Rinse the solution thoroughly and spray it on the furniture. You’ll notice the amazing progress of your furniture when it is cleaned with borax.

Also Read: How to Wash Curtains in Washing Machine

Get Rid of Molds and Fungus

It surely hurts when your household essentials get targeted by some nasty moulds and fungus. Not only does it ruin their beauty, but it also reduces their durability. However, that’s no longer a problem; you can now use borax to eliminate these mildews.

So, first, you need to prepare the solution. All you need is a half cup of borax with a gallon of warm water, mix it well, then apply it to your household essentials and let the solution rest for some minutes. After the solution gets absorbed completely, then wipe it with a towel.

Helps in Cleaning Carpets and Fabrics

Another interesting use of borax that’ll be handy for you is that you can also clean your carpets and fabric surfaces. It’s one of the most amazing borax powder uses you can imagine; apply a splash of borax on the affected areas of your carpets and fabrics and then wipe it after letting the solution stay for some time to get your expected outcome.

Helps in the treatment of Infestations

Many people get irritated as their furniture or other household items get infected by insects like bugs and cockroaches. If some people need to learn how to use borax for cleaning, the outcome would be disastrous.

However, if you follow this step, then you’ll be able to get rid of these bugs and insects in no time. Just prepare a cleaning solution by combining borax and sugar. 

That’s because the insects will attract towards sugar, and when they consume borax, they’ll die. And yes, keep this solution away from kids and pets, as it can harm them upon consumption.

Helps in Cleaning Dishwashers

Another crucial use of borax is that it helps in cleaning dishwashers. Its process is simple, you just need to add ¼ cup of borax on the bottom of your dishwasher, then pour in your preferred detergent and just wash the dishwasher in the sink. 

As a result, your dishwasher will not only give you a refreshing smell, but a new look as well.

Keeps the Flowers Fresh

You might find it unusual, but borax can also be used to preserve the health of flowers. If you have flowers at home that look dull, then you can test them by preparing a mixture.

You need to take 1 cup of borax with 2 cups of cornmeal in an airtight container. After that, put some of the mixture in a separate container and place your flowers in it and you’ll notice the effect.

Also Read: How to Clean Refrigerator to Avoid Smell

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you use borax as a cleaner?

You can use borax as a cleaner to remove strong stains from household essentials by simply preparing a washing solution by mixing borax in warm water.

Is borax safe to use for cleaning?

Borax is an effective contender for cleaning purposes like cleaning tiles etc., but you need to be extra careful to protect your skin. So, wear gloves and a mask to avoid the damage as much as possible.

What can I mix with borax for cleaning?

Mix water, vinegar, or dish soap to create a strong and effective cleaning solution. You can even add baking soda to borax to increase the power of your cleaning agent.

When should I use borax?

You can use borax for strong cleaning tasks like washing toilets, removing moulds or removing surface stains. 

Final Thoughts

Cleaning your household essentials is a tough task and takes a lot of time and energy if you use a regular cleaning agent. However, if you use borax, consider your work 70% completed, as it’ll save you time and energy and give you a satisfying result.

If you have old outdoor furniture filled with dust and stains, use borax; if your kitchen sink is dirty, you can use borax; and most importantly, if your carpet is not cleaned, wash it with borax, and it’ll be just like new. So, these uses of borax will help you even if you need more knowledge.

And yes, this is a reminder that Love2Laundry offers premium quality laundry and dry cleaning services at your disposal. So, make a call, and we’ll handle the rest of the situation.