How to Wash Bed Sheets and Towels Together


Are you curious about whether can you wash towels and bed sheets together? Yes, now it’s possible as there are many effective methods available which you can easily follow at home and do two different tasks simultaneously.

However, if you’re still facing problems related to how to wash bed sheets and towels together and bed sheets together then there’s no better way than contacting Love2Laundry and hiring their dry cleaning service to make sure that your towels and bed sheets are washed with proper care.

Can You Wash Bed Sheets And Towels Together?

If you’re wondering if can you wash bed sheets and towels together, then you’re in luck because there’s an authentic way to perform that task just by following some useful tips like getting an ideal washing solution, proper washing cycle, and correct temperature to keep it safe from getting damage. You just need to follow the guides mentioned and you’ll be amazed to see how effective the washing method is.

image of a bed with white towels and pink cushions

Things You Should Consider When Washing Towels and Bedsheets Together

Whenever people start a task, there are some things that they need to consider first and the same is the case while washing towels with sheets. 

So, let’s have a look at what things you must consider first which will provide a suitable answer for can you wash bed sheets and towels together:

Fabric Types

The first thing you must consider to wash towels with other clothes is to determine the type of fabric as it’ll save your effort and time as well. That’s because when you wash towels or bed sheets together with other clothes and if by chance the fabric type is the same, then you can save the trouble of having different detergents or setting different washing cycles and can wash both towels and bed sheets together.

Lint Production

There’s one more thing you need to keep in mind if you want to wash bed sheets with towels which is the lint production because the more you wash them together the more the chances high that the yellowish mark will appear on your fabrics.

So, if you’re wondering “Can you wash bed sheets and towels together,” then make sure to check about the lint production so that your clothes come out clean after the wash. 

Odor Control

Another thing you must consider while washing sheets and towels together is the amount of odour appearing after the wash. One of the reasons for odour appearing on your clothes is the dirty washing machine.

You must be certain to clean up the washing machine from the inside or else you’ll face a lot of trouble, no matter how many times you wash your towels and bed sheets. So, if you’re suggesting to your friend the solution for “can you bed sheets and towels together,” then make sure to tell them to get rid of odours.

Zippers and Hooks

If you’re wondering, if can you wash bed sheets and towels together, then this tip will be the game changer for washing your clothes without getting damaged. You just need to check all the zips and hooks of your clothes if you’re washing towels and bed sheets together to save them from damaging or getting torn apart.

So, either you wash bed sheets and towels separately, or if you’re washing them together with your clothes, then make sure to remove the hooks from your outfits and close all the zips of your outfits. 

Avoiding Overcrowding

Standing in an overcrowded place and wondering, if can you wash towels and bed sheets together will take you nowhere, both your time and energy would be wasted. So, consider this scenario first before making the final decision.

Furthermore, a crowded place means that you need to wash your sheets and towels quickly which will affect the washing process like not thorough rinsing, not enough time to dry your towels and sheets, and most importantly, higher chances of odours. So, avoiding a crowded place and washing your bed sheets and towels at home is the best option to get the perfect result.

How often to wash bed sheets and towels together

After getting the answer of “Can you wash towels and bed sheets together,” now comes the part of how often can you wash your sheets and towels. Well, for bed sheets, you can wash them every 1 to 2 weeks, and towels need to be washed after three to four uses.

white towels placed over white bed sheets


Do I have to wash sheets separately from my clothes?

No, you can wash your sheets with your clothes because washing them separately will be time-consuming. Moreover, it’ll be more convenient for you because you don’t need to put on some special effort. So, if you’re thinking, can you wash towel and bed sheet together, the answer is yes. 

Is it OK to wash towels with clothes?

Yes, you can wash towels with laundry items like clothes, pillowcases, and sheets. You just need to make sure to:

  • Avoid overloading your washing machine.
  • Wash your towels with delicate fabrics.
  • Use a detergent mentioned on the label of your towel.

How many times should you wash your sheets?

The ideal time to wash your sheets is every 1 to 2 weeks but if you have a skin allergy, then you can wash your sheets every 3 to 4 days, if you sweat a lot, then wash your sheets regularly.

Wrap up!

You’ll find most of the people looking to get some suitable ideas for “can you wash towel and bed sheet together” on the internet. Surely, some of them find suitable procedures while others fail. In that case, you can read the points mentioned above which will tell you important things to consider as well before washing towels and sheets together.

The first thing you must be careful of is the fabric type, then lint production, and most importantly watch out for odours which can appear because of the dirty washing machine, then no matter how many times you wash your towels and sheets, if the washing machine is not cleaned from inside, the odours will appear.