A Simple Guide – How to clean washing machine filters

Laundry Detergent

Do you want to know how to clean washing machine filters? Then don’t worry. There are many essential methods which will keep the filter of your washing machine clean as well as fully maintained.

However, some people fail to clean washing machine filters. So the best option for them is to hire the laundry services of Love2Laundry to make sure that their clothes are washed properly under the care of professional individuals.

Where to find washing machine filters?

If you want to clean the washer filter, then it would be best to read the manual of your washing machine to see where it’s located. If you have a top-loader washing machine, then the washer should be located under the centre agitator and for front-loading washing machine, it’s under the drum which is located at the bottom.

How to clean washing machine filters – Fixed or Removable

If you’re wondering how to clean washing machine filters, then you’re in the right place. No matter if your machine is fixed or removable, you can keep the filter clean.

Moreover, cleaning washing machine drain filters means that your washing machine won’t malfunction and your clothes will be washed properly, leaving zero trace of residue behind. 

So, let’s have a look at the two most effective methods for cleaning washing machine filters:

Step 1: Cleaning Removable Filters

Safety First

The first and most crucial step for draining washing machine filters is safety. You cannot just go cleaning the filter without any consent, reading the instructions mentioned in the manual of your washing machine is crucial to ensure your safety as you cannot risk your life that easily. 

Turn Off the Washing Machine

After taking all the safety precautions, now turn off your washing machine and make sure to mention this point in the list of how to clean washing machine filters. 

Moreover, clearing out the water and dirt from the filter is much better while the washing machine is turned off because it’ll be difficult when the washing machine is running.

Locate the Filter

The third step to clean the top load washer is to locate the filter for which you can read the instructions mentioned on the washing machine label. For the top-loader washing machine, the filter is labelled under the centre agitator, and for the front loader, the filter is located at the bottom.

Remove the Filter

Once you locate the filter, gently remove it from the washing machine before cleaning it. Furthermore, removing the filter from the washing machine would make it easy for you to wipe out all the dirt and excess water blocking the drainage system of your washing machine. 

Rinse the Filter

The next step in how to clean washing machine filters is to rinse the filter thoroughly to make sure not even a single mark of dirt remains. Moreover, it would be best if you rinse the filter in a basin and dry it completely with the help of an old towel, so when you place it back in the washing machine, it should work perfectly.

Reinsert the Filter

When you wash and rinse the washing machine filter thoroughly, now comes the time to reinsert it and make sure to fix it properly, even if it’s slightly out of shape, all the water from the washing machine will flow out, making your work even harder. 

Check the Seal

One of the most crucial steps for how to clean washing machine filters is to check the seal so that when you run your washing machine, the water won’t flow out of the filter and you can wash your clothes properly.

Power Up the Machine

In the final step after washing, reinserting, and checking the filter, run your washing machine as a test to see whether the filter is working fine or not. If it’s still malfunctioning, then it’s better to read the manual of your washing machine to see what could be the cause of the problem.

Step 2: Cleaning Fixed washing machine Filters

If you’re wondering, do all the washing machines have filters? The answer is yes whether it’s removable or fixed. So let’s have a look at the steps of cleaning the filters of fixed washing machines: 

Locate the Filter

Just like the removable washing machine, the first step for the fixed washing machine is also the same which is to locate the filter. Mostly, the fixed washing machines are front loader which means that the filter should be located at the bottom right corner but if you still can’t find it, you can read the instructions book of your washing machine.

Use a Vacuum

As you cannot take out the filter from the fixed washing machine, the best way to clean it is to apply a vacuum and suck out all the dirt which causes the blockage when you run the washing machine. So, if someone asks you how to clean washing machine filters for fixed, then tell them to use a vacuum.

Check the Seal

After vacuuming the filter, the next step that comes in the list of how to clean washing machine filters is to check the seal of the filter to point out leakage. If that’s the case, then either you should replace it or try to fix it by reading the washing machine instructions. 

Power Up the Machine

Power up your washing machine to test whether the filter is working fine or not. Put some clothes in the washing machine and rum it to see the flow of water through the filter and if you see even a slight leakage of water, then power off your washing machine and fix the issue.

How often to clean the washing machine filter?

The ideal time to clean the washing machine filter is every three months as the filters of washing machines are durable and can withstand the flow of water when washing your clothes for three months straight if you want to know how to clean washing machine filters, read the steps mentioned above. 

Why Clean Washing Machine Filters?

The reason for cleaning a washing machine filter is to maintain the flow of water as it blocks all the dirt and residue from your clothes, but if you leave it dirty, then you’ll face a lot of difficulty washing your clothes.

Wrap Up!

There’s a misconception that the process of how to clean washing machine filters is hard. The reason is that people don’t pay attention towards the filter or don’t know about the procedures.

However, if you read the steps mentioned above, then you don’t need to worry about the maintenance of your washing machine filter as you can vacuum it, wash it with water and even check it after fixing the seal to see if it’s working fine or not.


Do washing machine filters need to be cleaned?

Absolutely. You cannot just leave the washing machine filters dirty as they absorb all the lint and debris from your laundry and keep your washing machine’s drainage system in working condition.

Do all washing machines have filters you can clean?

Yes, all washing machines have filters you must clean whether it’s front-loader, top-loader, removable or fixed washing machine.

How do I know if my washing machine filter is blocked?

First, you must check, where is the filter in the washing machine, then see if the dirt and debris are still stuck in it after cleaning it or simply run your washing machine to check whether the flow of water is fine or not.

How long does a washing machine filter last?

If you run your washing machine without checking the filter, then it can last for at least three months, after that, either you clean it or replace it if it’s malfunctioned.