Effective Techniques for Removing Blood Stains: Quick Tips and Methods

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blood stains on white shirt

Blood stains are terrible and can seriously damage your overall appearance if your clothes get blood marks, especially on white clothes. Blood stains can be caused by any reason like when you’re playing outdoors or doing some electrical work, you might get a cut from a screwdriver.

However, you must keep one thing in mind that removing a fresh blood stain and an older one requires different treatment. So, let’s start with the ingredients required for removing blood stains:

Ingredients Needed for New Blood Stains

  • Sponge
  • Gloves
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%)
  • Stain Washing Solution
  • Cold Water

Ingredients Needed For Older Blood Stains

If your clothes have an older or a dried blood stain, then you don’t need too many materials to wash them away. A strong detergent is all that’s required.

If you’re done with ingredients, now let’s move to the tips that’ll provide you the much-needed assistance if you follow them: 

Tips to Wash New Blood Stains

Prefer Cold Water for Lighter Fabrics

If your cloth’s fabric is soft and light but somehow gets the blood stain, then washing it in cold water is the best available option. It’s a tip that you should always remember. 

All you have to do is to pour the cold water continuously on the blood stain and if it’s a fresh one then it’ll remove right away. So, the point to be noted down is to act on instinct.

However, if you’re in a hurry and don’t want to miss an important meeting in your office, then you can put your clothes with blood stains in a tub filled with cold water and leave it for the rest of the day to speed up the process.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide or Lemon Juice

One of the best tips for cleaning blood stains from clothes is to apply hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice to the affected area of your outfit before washing. It’ll surely complete 70% of the job. If you’re unsure about that, then remember, doing something is better than nothing.  

 Hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice are perfect for use on lighter clothes, but if you use them on darker ones, then they’ll soak the color of your outfit as well. 

You can simply test the process by soaking a sponge in hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice and then gently rubbing it on the blood stain. After that, wash it with cold water and repeat the process if needed.

Don’t Forget Ice Cube

Everyone knows that applying an ice cube to the cut can help to stop the blood coming out of the wound and the same goes for the fabric. It means that, if your clothes get blood stains and it’s fresh, then you can use an ice cube to stop it from making a permanent mark.

All you have to do is to apply the edge of the cube on the blood stain and it’ll absorb the blood mark inside out.

Try Aspirin or Baking Soda

Aspirin and baking soda are also two of the most essential components that can be used to remove blood stains. It’s a perfect answer to your question “How to remove dried blood stains?” 

The process of making the solution is the same. For aspirin, crush a few tablets and mix them in water and the same goes for the baking soda.

You just need to apply the solution on the blood stain for at least 30 minutes or more depending on the size of the blood stain and after that, wash it with cold water.

Tips to Wash Dried Blood Stains

Apply Salt or Saline 

If your clothes have an older blood stain and now it’s completely dry, then you can simply apply salt or saline to the affected area. It’s considered one of the best ways to remove blood stains. 

Furthermore, salt and saline are the most common and can be found in everyone’s house. So, if you’re about to wear an older outfit and found a blood stain, then applying one of the two is the best available option. 

Soak Your Clothes More Than Needed

Another crucial tip for getting rid of older blood stains is to soak your clothes in cold water more than required. It helps in removing the blood stain mark completely, not only from the outside but from the inside as well.

From your end, you just need to add 1 tablespoon of detergent containing enzymes in the cold water and leave your clothes in the solution. If there are still some signs of blood stains, then repeat the process by adding more enzyme-based detergent.

Try Using a Meat Tenderizer

Before moving forward, make up your mind because this tip will surely sound weird to you and that is to use a meat tenderizer. Yes, it is surely an out-of-the-box option but handy at the same time to remove an older blood stain. 

Wondering how it works? Just simply add the tenderizer powder in water to make a paste. Then apply it on the blood stain mark and leave the solution for 30 minutes and finally, wash your clothes with cold water to get a shirt free of blood stains.

Also Read: How to Dry Clean at Home?

Parting Words

Getting blood stains on your favorite outfits can surely be troublesome as it can ruin your entire appearance if found out at the last moment. However, you can follow some amazing tips & hacks to get rid of them even if they’re new or old marks. 

You can use cold water to minimize its effect or can apply hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice as a pretreatment to remove the blood stains. If the stains are older and dried then you can apply salt or saline to remove it or can even apply a meat tenderizer to get rid of the blood stains.

Still, if you need to have some more information, then you can contact an experienced laundry service provider, Love2Laundry. As a professional laundry service company, we’ll make sure to provide you with effective and satisfactory answers to your questions.