Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean Bathroom Tiles

professionally cleaning bathroom tiles

Keeping your bathroom clean is one of the essential tasks that you must take care of as it gives a good impression of your house to others. If the stain mark is strong enough, then using a strong cleaning agent will do the trick. Otherwise, your friends and family members will feel weird using a bathroom with dirty tiles. 

However, if you don’t have enough knowledge of how to clean bathroom tiles, then you can either contact Love2Laundry to get the much-needed guidance or continue reading the blog:

How often we should Clean Bathroom Tiles?

Well, cleaning the bathroom tiles is regular work because the longer you take, the harder it’ll be to get rid of the dirt on the bathroom tiles. However, if you clean your bathroom once every week, then it’ll be in a top-notch condition and won’t be a burden on you. So, whenever you get asked the question “How often we should clean bathroom tiles?” you can answer them easily.

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Ingredients Required for Cleaning Bathroom Tiles 

a girl is using bathroom cleaner to clean bathroom tiles

A strong Solvent

To clean bathroom tile, a strong and durable cleaning solvent like Tilex Mold & Mildew and CLR Brilliant Bath is required to remove moulds and rusts completely.

A Sponge or Cloth

While treating the rust or mould on a tile, it’s better to use a sponge or a piece of cloth to rub the solvent on the tiles.

A Cleaning Brush

The third ingredient required for cleaning the bathroom tiles is a cleaning brush which you can use after rubbing the cleaning solution with a sponge or cloth.

So, if you’re ready to clean your bathroom tiles, then below are the steps that you must follow which are:

Steps for How to Clean Bathroom Tiles

white bathroom tiles with towels placed besidee it

Prepare the Cleaning Solution

The first step crucial for cleaning bathroom tile is to prepare a cleaning solution and the most important ingredients for that are baking soda and vinegar. If you don’t have baking soda, then you can simply use dishwashing soap and mix it in a cup of white vinegar.

These are the ingredients that everyone has in their homes so you don’t have to go searching for them. Moreover, the solution you’ll prepare after mixing the ingredients will be a concentrated formula so you don’t have to apply much.

One more thing! If your tiles are manufactured from stone or travertine, then you should avoid using vinegar as it can demolish the tiles.

Spray Instead of Rubbing

One thing you should keep in mind is that you can apply the cleaning solution on the tiles in the form of a spray instead of rubbing the solution. What’s more interesting is that spraying the cleaning solvent is much more convenient than rubbing the solution on the tiles.

All you have to do is to let the solution set in your affected part of the tiles for at least 10 minutes and all the dirt will wash away if you’re worried about the dirt spreading towards the other tiles, then you can use a towel to clean it up. 

Use a Toothbrush

After applying the solution, now comes the main part and that is to use a toothbrush on the moulded tiles. Just keep in mind to get rid of the soap residue if there is any and then simply apply the brush on the solution that you’ve left on the tiles and your tiles will get a fresh new look just like the day you installed them.

However, if you’re doing it for the first time, then use a sturdy or an old brush to get rid of any nasty stain you have on the tiles and that’s why this method is considered the best way to clean bathroom tiles.

Rinse your Tiles with Warm Water

One of the essential steps required for the cleaning of tiles is to perfectly rinse them with water to wash away all the residue that occurs after scrubbing the cleaning solution with a brush.

Keep one thing in mind always use warm water during the process as it’ll clear the remaining dirt after you’ve thoroughly rubbed the washing solution with a toothbrush. So, always keep in mind to use warm water instead of cold one while cleaning your bathroom tiles.

Wipe Down the Tiles  

Now that you’ve gone through all the above steps, time for the final one which is to wipe your bathroom tiles with a mop or a towel. You can think of this step as the ace because if you leave the tiles without wiping them, then after some time you’ll get moulds and mildew again.

You can start by using a squeegee on the tiles to remove the moisture and then simply scrub the floor with a towel or a cloth. So, whenever someone asks you “how to clean bathroom tile floor” don’t forget to mention this step.

Also Read: 7 Amazing Uses of Borax for Cleaning

white bathroom interior

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best thing to clean bathroom tiles with?

The best solution you’ll get for cleaning the bathroom tiles is to wash them with a solution made from warm water and a mild balanced cleaner. Just make sure to avoid chemicals that can damage your tiles.

How do I make my bathroom tiles shine?

You can make your bathroom tiles shiny by cleaning them with:

  • A strong cleaning agent
  • Rinsing your tiles with warm water
  • Polishing your tiles
  • Wiping it with a clean cloth

How to clean grout in tile?

There are many ways that you can clean the grout from the tiles and some of them are:

  • Applying the cleaning paste and letting it rest for 5-10 minutes
  • Scrub the grout with a toothbrush
  • Rinse the affected area of the tiles with water.
  • Use a mixture with made from water and vinegar

How do you clean bathroom tiles with baking soda?

It’s simple, you just need to apply the baking soda on your tiles and let the solution rest for 15 minutes, then rub the tiles with a toothbrush and rinse them with water to remove the tiny particles of the stain.

Final Thoughts

Cleaning the bathroom tiles is both an important and a challenging task at the same time. Some people lack knowledge and some have time but not the resources. 

But if you have both, then you just need to follow the above-mentioned steps for how to clean bathroom tiles and you’ll get the desired outcome you want.

However, if you want to have some more guidance, then you can contact Love2Laundry for that matter. Our experienced individuals are available for you and will provide the best solution possible.