What is Laundry Stripping and How to do it?

few clothes are pasted on a wall and a woman is pointing towards it and representing laundry stripping

Have you ever heard about laundry stripping and do you know how much effective it could be while washing your clothes? Not only it’ll save you time but you can carry out some other important work as well. 

However, if you’re facing some problems, then you can contact Love2laundry to get all the detergents and residue striped out of your clothes. No matter in which area you’re living, we’ll reach right at your door.

So, if you want to know what is laundry stripping and how to do it? Then keep reading the blog: 

Also Read: Tips to make your clothes last longer

What is Laundry Stripping?

Laundry stripping is a process that is used to clean your clothes to remove the remains of detergent, residue, and oil and fabric softener with the help of chemicals soaked in hot water. 

If you want, you can use borax with a rich amount of enzyme and a washing soda to strip the stain marks completely. Think of this process just like stripping paint, the purpose is the same but the approach is different.

So, whenever people ask you what is laundry stripping? You can explain the entire process easily.        

a women is looking at shirt after washing and laundry stripping it

How to do Laundry Stripping?

If you’re tired of searching for how to do laundry stripping? Well, just follow the steps below and get your outfits cleaned from residues.

Take a bathtub and fill it with hot water, then add borax and washing soda as a source of detergent.

Pour your washed outfits, towels, or linens into the bucket and stir it well enough, then leave it in the solution for 4 to 5 hours.

Finally, take your stuff out and put it in the washing machine for washing with an extra rinse cycle but without detergent.

Clothes stripping recipes 

Many people have information on the working of laundry stripping but when it comes to preparing the solution, they fail. So, without any further interruption, let’s take a look at clothes-stripping recipes:

  • ¼ cup of borax booster
  • ¼ cup of washing soda
  • ½ cup of your desired laundry detergent
  • A bathtub filled with hot water 

That’s all you need. Just gather these required ingredients and pour the required amount into your tub, stir the solution and you’re good to go.

Now let’s have a look at laundry stripping instructions, if you have any confusion at the moment, then it’ll clear out all your confusion.

Laundry Stripping Instructions

a bucket full of dirty clothes

Take the items you want to strip

The first and most important step is to gather all the clothes towels or pillows that need laundry stripping. Make sure they are washed properly but it’s not a problem if your outfit is wet or dry. 

The average size of laundry stripping is about 12 to 15 pounds at a time and it’s much beneficial when it comes to removing residue from fibers. Make sure that your clothes are of the same color or else different-colored clothes will result in dye bleeding. 

Prepare the Bath Tub

Get a regular large-sized tub and fill it up with hot water. That’s because hot water will remove the residue off of your clothes comfortably as compared to normal water.

Make sure the tub is clean and free from the remains of soap to get your desired outcome from laundry stripping. Soap scum will indeed be removed when pouring the laundry stripping solution in the tub but a clean tub will be more effective.

Mixing the Ingredients

Mix the ingredients well in the hot water which are ¼ cup of borax, ¼ cup of washing soda, and ½ cup of a detergent of your choice and make sure to match the exact proportion of the cleaning products, divide it in a ratio of one part borax, two parts washing soda and one part washing soda.

Mix the mixture in hot water well with the help of a spoon or a stick until the entire mixture is dissolved in the water. This formation will help you in getting the outcome you’ve desired right from the beginning, a fabric with zero per cent residue. 

Add the Laundry and Soak it completely

The fourth step is to add the laundry that you need to strip in the laundry striping solution you prepare and keep in mind that your clothes should wet equally from all sides. If you want, you can note this as the recipe for stripping clothes.

Then use the same wooden spoon to press your laundry deep in the bucket and let it soak the solution completely. Leave your clothes in the bucket for at least four hours and make sure to stir them after every hour to get a nice piece of fabric in your hands, free of residue.

Before You Go

Laundry stripping is surely the best way to get rid of the residue your clothes get after washing them. For sure, you’ll get a thought in mind about what is laundry stripping and how to do it. Well, in that case, you just need to follow the steps mentioned above and all of your hesitation will fade away.
And yes, remember that Love2laundry is now operating in all areas of Dubai. So, if you get messed up somehow, then hire our laundry services and we’ll make sure to return your clothes in neat and clean condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to strip laundry with baking soda?

Fill a bucket with hot water then add baking soda to it, stir the solution well, and soak your clothes in the solution.

How to strip laundry with vinegar?

It’s simple. Add vinegar in hot water, mix it well and the solution is ready to use.

How to strip laundry without washing soda?

Its process is also the same. Just add washing soda in hot water or use borax as an alternate solution, stir it well and you’re good to go. 

Do you have to wash laundry before stripping it?

If you wash your clothes, it’ll remove all the dirt and oil stains from it and laundry stripping will remove the remaining residue.

What is needed to strip laundry?

The ingredients required for laundry stripping are hot water, borax, laundry detergent, and washing soda.

Does stripping laundry make it whiter?

Yes, when your clothes get in the solution of laundry stripping, it removes all the remaining residues and as a result, gives you a bright sparkling colour.