How to Iron Dress Shirt and Pant to Make it Wrinkled Free

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iron dress shirt and pant

Having your clothes pressed is one way to impress your boss or any special person you’re about to meet. It makes your outfit look fresh and perfectly aligned with your body without any crease forming in the dress pants and shirt. 

Surely, you’ll make some mistakes at the beginning, but when you keep pressing your pants and shirt, you’ll get used to it. 

So, if someone asks you how to iron a dress shirt and pants, you can tell them the following steps that’ll provide the much-needed assistance:

Steps for Ironing Dress Shirts and Pants

hard working bearded man ironing blue dress shirt

Preparing the Iron 

When you’re about to start ironing, the first thing you must do is prepare your iron. It is considered the best way to iron a shirt and pants. Start by filling the iron with fresh tap water. 

Some people will advise you to use distilled water as it is a safer option for your iron. However, if the tap water in your area is not completely clean, then adding half-distilled water will be the right thing to do.

Then, set the temperature of your iron on high as most of the fabric is made of cotton and requires extra heat to get a nice and crisp finish.

Positioning the Collar

The second step for ironing your dress shirt is to place the collar flat on the surface to eliminate the wrinkles on the collar as much as you can. Moreover, a flat position of the collar will let your iron press it more conveniently. 

After the first round, you can slide your iron up and down two or three times to make sure that the collar of your shirt is perfectly pressed. Then, flip your shirt and repeat the same process on the other side.

Pressing the Front and Back

After pressing the collar the next step is how to iron the dress shirt from front and back. First, set the button side of your shirt flat on the ironing board and position your iron in the direction of the buttons. 

Then, gently move the iron up and down three to four times to get a fresh and nice result. After that, switch the other side of the shirt and repeat the same procedure to get a perfectly ironed dress shirt and pants. Make sure to finish your ironing on the shoulders of your shirt for a satisfactory outcome.

Time for Cuffs and Sleeves 

The next step is to move on toward the sleeves and cuffs after you’re done with the front and back. Mostly, people start ironing from the sleeves but the ideal way is to press the cuffs first.

After you’re done with cuffs, spread the sleeves flat on the ironing board and move your iron over the sleeves as many times as needed to get your sleeves free of wrinkles. However, if you still see some wrinkles left on the sleeves then simply iron that specific part again.

Now Comes the Dress Pant

Now that you’re done with the dress shirt, the next step is to iron the dress pants, just make sure you know how to iron creases in the pants. That’s because the crease in your pants can disturb the entire beauty of your outfit. 

So, the preparation of the iron is the same, After that, you must be 100% sure to eliminate all the creases and wrinkles from your pants and the most effective way is to pull the pockets out and then start ironing.

Ideal Position for Hanging Your Pant

When you’re done ironing your pants, you should leave if for at least 5 minutes to let it cool. Now, the one thing you must be certain of while hanging your pants is that they won’t get any crease. 

Remember that dress pants must be hung with a hanger after pressing because their fabric is light and you cannot just fold it and put it away or else all your efforts will be ruined completely.

But still, if your dress pant gets a crease, then the best choice is to start folding your pants from the part where the crease is or otherwise fold your pant normally. Overall, it’s the best way to iron dress pants with a crease.

Try Folding Your Pants If There’s no Hanger

Well, everyone knows that hanging the dress pants is the best after ironing, however, if you don’t have a hanger you can simply fold it and can put it in your drawer. 

You just need to bring the bottom part of your dress pants (ham) to the waistband to fold it in half. Besides that, you can fold your pants in three folds as well if you don’t have extra space in your drawer. 

Final Words

Ironing your dress shirt and pants has always been crucial as it requires extra care and concentration. Most of the people ended up ruining their outfits. However, if you follow the above-mentioned steps then you can save yourself from the drawbacks.

You just need to set your iron according to the requirements of the fabric. For example, people usually wear cotton so set the temperature of the iron high. Then, position your dress shirt and pants perfectly on the ironing surface so you won’t get any wrinkles on your outfit.

So, whenever someone asks you how to iron a dress shirt and pants you can help them with these steps. However, if you still need some assistance, then you can hire the services of Love2Laundry to clear out all the confusion.