Keep Your Colors Vibrant: How to Protect Clothes from Fading

a girl looking at clothes on a swinger

The colors of the clothes are the main highlight that sparks its beauty and in return requires great care as well. To be more precise, the durability of the color depends on the quality of the fabric from which your clothes are manufactured, some might last long while other fabrics’ colors fade away with three to four washes. 

And yes, keep this reminder in mind that you can contact Love2Laundry as well and get the most out of their laundry services to ensure that your clothes get washed without the color fading away.

So if you want to know how to protect clothes from fading, then below are the steps that’ll provide you the much-needed assistance:

Step by Step: How to Protect Clothes from Fading

a man is holding a pile of shirts that needs to be washed and he is wondering how ti protect clothes from fading

Read the Instructions on the Label

The first and most important step to protect the color of your clothes from fading away is to read the label. That’s because it’ll guide you on exactly how much detergent and water is required to wash that particular fabric.

Moreover, the care tag label will indicate whether the fabric needs a normal or delicate cycle. Keep in mind that if the fabric of your clothes is made of silk then use a delicate cycle, otherwise normal cycle would be perfect.

Wash your Clothes in Cold Water

Washing your clothes in cold water instead of warm water means that you’ll retain the original color of your clothes and protect clothes from fading. That’s because warm waters split the fibers of your clothes and then the color starts to fade away.

The bonus point of using cold water for washing clothes is that it removes the blood stains as well and the best way to keep the entire process smooth is to get a detergent that’s compatible with cold water.

Wash Dark and Light Color Clothes Separately 

Another essential step to prevent clothes from fading, a step that you must follow is to wash the dark and light-colored clothes separately. The reason for it is that when the dark-colored outfits start to wash it releases the color and if the light-colored outfits are also in there, they’ll absorb it and your outfit will be ruined.

Furthermore, if there’s a heavy-duty denim fabric in the washing machine with a soft delicate outfit made of wool, then it’ll not only damage the color but the entire fabric as well. 

Turn your Clothes Inside Out

There’s another interesting way to keep the color of your clothes from fading which is to turn them inside out before tossing them in the washing machine. Wondering how that’ll work? 

It’s simple, by turning your clothes inside out, the outer part of your outfit won’t get the effects of detergent as much as the inner part will get. This means that you’ll get your outfits back in your hand with the original color which lasts longer.

Use the Correct Detergent

If you ever heard the question “How to prevent black clothes from fading?” then, choosing the right detergent is one of the answers you’ll get. You can simply read the instructions written on the label of the detergent before buying it.

However, if you have a regular detergent then add a small amount of it because if you add more than needed then the detergent will create the residue during the washing cycle and it’ll result in the color of your clothes fading away.

Applying Fabric Softener

One of the crucial steps to remember is to use a fabric softener while washing your clothes as it’ll protect the color from fading away by reducing friction. 

Furthermore, it’ll not only save color but when you take your clothes out of the washing machine, they’ll look fresh and smell nice, just like a new one. So, whenever you’re about to wash your clothes, make sure that you have a fabric softener, or else it’ll ruin the quality and color of your outfit.

Use Low Heat Setting to Dry Your Clothes

It’s best to dry your clothes on low heat after washing to retain the original color of your clothes. Drying on high heat will absorb the color and that’s why others suggest using the indoor method to dry your clothes instead of handing them on a rope in sunlight.

Also Read: How to unshrink clothes?


Keeping the color of your clothes from fading away is just like protecting your face from sunlight and pollution, as it’s the main source of attraction. In return, you just need to follow some essential steps for how to protect clothes from fading, like using cold water, separating dark and light-colored fabrics while washing, and most importantly, reading the label of every garment to see what type of detergent is required.

So, make sure you follow these mentioned steps while washing your clothes and they’ll be protected from all the problems that might occur will automatically be removed and your clothes will retain the original color.

One more thing!

If you still have to face the problem of your clothes’ color fading away, then you can hire the services of Love2Laundry and we’ll make sure that your outfits are properly washed while retaining the original color.