How to Remove Food Stains from Clothes with Ease?

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food stains

Getting food stains on your clothes is one of the most irritating things that you need to deal with, especially when you’re eating a plateful of chicken or dessert while attending parties or social gatherings. The first question that’ll come to your mind at that time should be How to remove food stains from clothes?

Sometimes, people get irritated as they have a good hygiene practice while others are used to it, so they don’t get panicked. Instead of panicking, you should take these situations calmly and wash the food stains away and keep your clothes fresh and new.

So, if you’re looking for some amazing tips to remove food stains from clothes, let’s talk about some important things first like:

How to Get Oil Out of Clothes?

Oil stains are the most difficult ones to get rid of especially when they are dried. Not only it’ll irritate you but can also ruin your entire outfit if you delay the washing process.

To prevent that from happening, you need to remove most of the oil as soon as it falls on your clothes to limit its density as much as you can. However, there are many tips and tricks offered by the laundry services that you can follow to remove oily stains if you’re in a hurry.

For example, the first easy and quickest solution you can find is applying a WD-40 spray on the affected area of your outfit with a cotton swab. If it fails, then you can make the solution strong by adding baking soda and dishwashing liquid to remove the oily stain.

If you’re ready to learn some nice and easy tricks to remove food stains from your clothes, then you must:

a white piece of clothes with oil stains

Look for a Quick Solution

The most important tip that you must keep in your mind is to try to remove the food stain on your own instead of throwing it in the laundry bag for a later wash. Leaving food stains on your clothes can lead to a permanent mark and as a result, it can ruin your outfit.

In that case, you can try to wash it away by applying some laundry detergents by checking the label of your jeans or shirts. Mostly, the labels on the outfits have the solution for how to get oil out of clothes without washing machines.

However, if your fabric is silk or suede then you should contact an experienced laundry service company like Love2Laundry to treat the food stains.

Remove the Remaining Food First

If the food you’re eating drops on your favorite jeans or shirt, then you should quickly remove the chicken or beef pieces first to limit the mark of stain. That’s because if you don’t do it, the stain mark will spread and leaves a dense mark and will cause you a lot of problems.

You can use a knife to remove the food first, then take a napkin or small towel and gently blot the stain mark to absorb it as much as you can to stop it from spreading.

Soak Up the Oil

Removing oily stains is one of the hardest tasks and mostly you’ll find this question of how to get oil out of clothes on the internet. Well, the most effective and common solution you’ll find is to rub the stain with soft hands from both sides while applying baking soda or cornstarch.

Keep in mind to place a thick fabric underneath the stain mark so it won’t spread to other parts of your outfits. Gently rub the stain mark with your fingers and let the solution set for 30 to 60 minutes, then finally use the brush to remove it completely.

So, whenever people ask you, does baking soda remove food stains from clothes? Then show them this solution.

Use a Dish Detergent

The best way to get food stains out of clothes is to use dish detergent as a pre-treatment to remove the oily and greasy stain marks. That’s because oil and water are opposite to each other and cannot be mixed, so a dish detergent lowering the density of oil and grease helps a lot.

Dish detergents are used to remove the grease from the dishes so they can be used for the same purpose on fabrics as well. All you have to do is to leave the detergent for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse it thoroughly in warm water.

Follow the Instruction Mentioned on the Label

Whenever you have a thought in your mind “How to get stains out of clothes” the answer is simple. You just need to follow the instructions mentioned on the label of your clothes. For example, most of the fabrics need to be washed in warm water and then an air dryer to dry up the clothes.

That’s because the warm water helps to remove any remains of stain marks and retains the quality of your fabric. Then finally, an air dryer is used on your clothes while in a hinging position to completely remove the signs of clothes being washed.

A girl is standing in her room in front of a ironing stand and she is holding agrey t shirt

Redo the process if needed

There are some strong stain marks of grease and oil that won’t be removed in a single wash service, if the same happens with you, then repeating the entire process is the most suitable option.

While going for the second round you can increase the amount of detergent you previously used like the cornstarch used the first time as a pre-treatment.

Parting Words

Removing food stains is quite a tough task but when you’ll follow proper techniques you can get rid of any stain no matter how strong or dense it gets. You just need to follow the proper instructions written on the label of your fabrics and use dish detergents as a pre-treatment and you’re good to go.

If you have any concerns regarding food stains, you can contact a professional laundry service in Dubai to get the proper guidance to solve your problem.