How to get ink stain out of clothes

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black ink stains on white t shirt

Ink is a particle that everyone is familiar with whether you’re a student or an adult doing a task on your job so, getting stains of ink on your clothes is natural. But that’s where the problem is because most people don’t have enough knowledge of how to get ink out of clothes.

Well, the removal of ink depends on the fabric quality as well like what washing procedure or detergent is best for it and if you’re struggling for both time and resources, then you can hire the laundry services of Love2Laundry to make sure that your clothes are washed properly under the care of experienced individuals.

So, if you’re looking for some of the crucial steps for removing ink from clothes, then read them below:

Remove pen ink stain out of clothes – Step-by-Step Guide

a girl is holding a pink bucket full of dirty clothes

Pretreat Ink Stain with Sanitizer 

You might find it unusual, but pretreating every stain is crucial especially ink with a sanitiser is the first step you must follow. The reason behind this is that applying sanitizers before washing disrupts the density of ink stain no matter how strong it is. 

After some time, you’ll notice that the stain is getting lighter which’ll provide you a lot of assistance when you’ll toss your clothes in the washing machine. However, if you want to get a more satisfying result, then you can leave the sanitiser for some more time to remove ink stains from your clothes. 

a girl is holding white freshly washed shirt

Soak your clothes in the mixture of Water and Bleach

After pretreating the stain, prepare a cleaning solution with a mixture of water and your preferred bleach, and let your clothes soak in it for at least 5 minutes. Just remember that when preparing the solution, add ¼ cup of bleach, even a slightly more or less ratio of bleach can damage the entire fabric.

Take out your clothes from the solution, rinse off all the residue of the mixture you’ve previously prepared and your clothes are ready for wash.

a bottle of bleach for removing ink stain

Wash your clothes in the Washing Machine

The third step is to wash your clothes in the washing machine after pretreating the stain. Make sure to read your clothing label for proper guidance about the washing procedure of your fabric.

Now, add your desired detergent and 1/3 cup of the bleach you’re using in the bleach dispenser. It’ll not only enhance the ink stain removal process but also get rid of it from the outside as well as the inside. 

a girl is sitting next to washing machine

Air Dry your Clothes

Now comes the final step which is to dry your clothes, mostly people use dryers for the process but it can damage the quality of your clothes as it applies extra heat for a speedy process.

However, if you follow a natural air-drying process, it’ll preserve the quality of your fabric. This way, your clothes will be more durable and you can wear them as much as you want.

Now, that you learned the steps for removing ink from clothes, let’s take a look at the procedure for removing ink stains specifically from pants:

air drying clothes

How to get ink out of pants

Blot the Excess Ink with a towel

The first step for how to get ink out of pants is to quickly blot the stain with the help of a towel and make sure not to rub it or else the stain will spread further. You can even follow this step while you’re at your office to get rid of the ink stain.

If by chance your clothes get some ink stains, then all you need to do is apply a few drops of water on the affected area and blot it gently with a towel to remove it quickly.

Use Alcohol on the Ink Stains

The next step you need to follow to remove ink stains from clothes is to apply alcohol on the stain with the help of a towel or a cloth, and the best alcohol to use is isopropyl alcohol.

After rubbing the stain with a towel or cloth, gently scrub it with the help of a bristled toothbrush or a cotton swab to remove the stain inside out.

Rinse your clothes thoroughly

After following all the steps of pretreating the ink stains, now comes the part of rinsing to remove any remaining residue of the alcohol you’ve used before remember one thing, always use cold water for rinsing instead of hot or warm water because ink stains can be weaken through cold water easily. In short, it’s one of the most effective steps for how to get pen ink out of clothes.

Toss your clothes in the Washing Machine       

Now comes the main step for ink stain removal which is to put your clothes in the washing machine. Pour in the detergent and set the washing cycle mentioned on the label of your clothes to avoid potential damage to your clothes. This will also help your clothes to last longer.

Also Read: How to Avoid Armpit Stains to Wear Clean Shirts

Before You Go

Removing ink stain is surely a challenging task especially when it gets old and if you don’t have any knowledge about the fabric and its process, then you’ll face some serious problems.

However, if you follow the steps mentioned above, then you don’t need to worry about anything as you’ll be able to get rid of even the toughest and most dense ink stain.

And one more thing!

Love2Laundry is now operating in all the areas of Dubai, so if you don’t have much time to wash your clothes, then you can hire our dry cleaning and laundry services to make sure your clothes are washed properly as customer satisfaction is our priority.