Mud Stains, Be Gone! How to Remove Mud Stains from Clothes

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two childs playing in the sand

Getting mud stains on your favorite outfits not only makes them dirty but also makes you angry especially if you find it out at the last moment, when you’re about to wear it. Some mud stains might get removed right at the moment but if it’s a thick and dense one then you have to say goodbye to your favorite outfit and make you wonder how to remove mud stains from clothes.

Before moving on to the topic, here’s a friendly reminder for you that Love2Laundry is now operating in all the areas of Dubai. So, if you want to make sure that your clothes get washed with complete care, then contact us and get the benefit of our laundry services.

Coming back to the topic, if you want to know the effective ways to remove mud stains from your clothes then follow these:

How to Remove Mud Stains?

Allow the Mud to Dry

If your clothes get mud stains, then don’t panic and just start to rub it, let the mud stain dry first then wash it to remove the mark completely. What people usually do is try to clean the mud stain right away and as a result, it leaves a permanent mark. 

But if you follow a proper mud stain removal procedure that is to let the stain dry and then go for a wash, you’ll be happy to see that the stain mark has vanished. Keep in mind that the detergent will wash away a dried mud stain easily rather than a fresh one so, always act accordingly.

Pre Treat Your Clothes with a Detergent

One of the steps for removing mud stains is to pretreat it with a liquid detergent after it gets dried. You just need to apply the liquid detergent on the stain mark and let the solution rest for 15 minutes. 

If you have a powdered detergent, then you just have to mix it in water and simply apply it to the mud stain. Besides that, you can use a stain remover as well if you’re having second thoughts about using a liquid detergent. 

A stain remover specifically made to remove mud stains is much more effective as a pretreatment than a regular detergent. Just pour some of it on the mud stain and let the solution rest for at least 10 minutes.

a person holding a laundry basket

Use a warm or hot water

Just like cold water is needed to remove blood stains, hot water is mandatory to get rid of mud stains. Just keep in mind to wash your clothes that have mud stains separately or else it’ll transfer to other clothes that don’t have stains at all.

Furthermore, if your clothes are white, then it’s better to use chlorine or oxygen bleach with the required amount which you can see on the label of your clothes and if they’re dark-colored fabric then use a regular laundry detergent.

a person's hands on a washing machine

Hand Wash Soft Fabrics

Remember that if your clothes are manufactured from delicate fabrics like silk or wool and have mud stains on them, then try hand washing them to secure the durability of your clothes.

That’s because if you toss soft fabric clothes in the washing machine, then it can cause serious damage to the outfit like threads starting to come out or even getting cut in half. Follow this trick and it’ll help get dirt stains out of clothes.

a girl is washing a blur formal check shirt with her hands

Use a Wet Tooth Brush

You might get lucky sometimes that the mud stains on your clothes might not be that much thick and dense. In that case, you can get rid of it even by using a toothbrush.

You just need to fill a bucket with warm water and liquid detergent, mix the solution well, put your clothes in the bucket, and then start rubbing the toothbrush on the mud stain mark. Hence, it is the best method for washing mud out of clothes in an emergency.

And yes, if you fail to do so, then you can contact Love2Laundry to hire their dry cleaning services to make sure your outfits are washed properly.

two toothbrushes in a cup

Use a Normal Washing Cycle

Whenever you were asked the question “How to get dirt stains out of clothes?” then tell them to use a normal washing cycle. This case will be done when the density of stains gets lighter so that you can get your clothes clean as well as retain their durability. The best way for selecting the washing cycle is to read the label of your clothes and set the cycle accordingly. 

a hand holding a detergent capsule in a washing machine

Also Read: How to remove food stains?

Before You Go

Mud stains on clothes can ruin your plans, especially on the exact day of the event, and pressing another outfit will take some time. However, you can save yourself from this situation if you let the mud stain dry first, pretreat with a liquid detergent before washing, and most importantly use hot water. 

So, if you ever feel you’re out of ideas then you can simply follow these steps and you’re good to go.

Furthermore, if you need extra assistance, then you can hire the laundry services of Love2Laundry and it’ll give you the satisfaction that your clothes are in the care of professionals.