How to unshrink clothes –  A Complete Guide

a girl is holding a white shirt

Everyone has experienced this situation: you accidentally put your favorite sweater in the dryer, and when you take it out, it is a couple of sizes smaller than it was. Although shrinking clothing might be annoying, don’t give up! 

This detailed guide will bring you through the procedures about how to unshrink clothes and save your cherished clothing. We have everything you need, whether it be a wool sweater, a cotton shirt, or a pair of trousers.

How to Unshrink Clothes? Step-By-Step

Step 1: Prepare a Basin of Lukewarm WaterStep 1: Prepare a Basin of Lukewarm Water

To fix shrunken clothes the first step in unshrinking clothes is to prepare a basin of lukewarm water. Make sure the water is not too hot, as excessive heat can further damage the fibers of the fabric. Fill the basin enough to submerge the shrunken garment.

Step 2: Add Hair Conditioner

A hair conditioner is a surprising but effective tool in the unshrinking process. Add a generous amount of hair conditioner to the lukewarm water and mix it well. Using a conditioner will help to relax the fibers and help them to unshrink.

Step 3: Soak the Garment

Place the shrunken garment into the basin, ensuring it’s fully submerged. Gently press it down to ensure the conditioner-infused water penetrates the fibers. Allow the garment to soak for about 15 to 30 minutes.

Step 4: Gently Stretch the Fabric

Once the fabric has been soaked, you need to carefully remove it from the water. Gently press out excess water without wringing or twisting the fabric. Lay the garment on a clean towel and start to stretch it back to its original size. You can do this by gently pulling the fabric in all directions, working gradually to prevent tearing.

Also Read: Machine washable and non-washable fabrics

Step 5: Rinse and Dry

Once you’ve successfully stretched the fabric to its original size, rinse the garment under cool water to remove any excess conditioner. After rinsing, gently press out water again and lay the garment flat on a dry towel.

It will shape it back to its original shape and size. Avoid hanging the garment, as this can cause it to stretch unevenly. These steps will really help to unshrink shirts or any other clothing item. 

How to Unshrink Specific Fabrics?

Ever wondered how to unshrink specific fabrics? Well, every fabric needs different care and washing methods. They have slightly different approaches when unshrinking. Let’s take a look at how to unshrink some common types of fabrics:


Wool is known to shrink easily, but it can also be unshrunk with care. Follow the general steps mentioned earlier, but pay extra attention not to agitate the wool too much. Gently stretch it to avoid damaging the delicate fibers.


Cotton is a bit more forgiving when it comes to unshrinking. You follow the same steps mentioned above. Just remember that cotton is more prone to color fading, so be cautious with the hair conditioner and choose a mild detergent if needed.


Unshrinking denim is relatively straightforward. Soak the shrunken jeans in lukewarm water with a splash of mild detergent for about 30 minutes. Gently stretch the fabric while it’s still damp, and then allow it to air dry. Denim usually regains its shape quite well.

Synthetic Fabrics:

Synthetic fabrics like polyester can be a bit trickier to unshrink due to their synthetic nature. However, you can still attempt the steps outlined above, but be extra gentle while stretching to avoid damaging the fabric.

How to Unshrink Clothes in the Washing Machine?

If you’re short on time or don’t want to go through the manual stretching process, you can unshrink clothes in the washing machine by following the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Place the Garment in a Zip-Top Bag

Put the shrunken garment into a zip-top bag, leaving a small portion unzipped to allow air to escape. Don’t zip it all the way to prevent excessive pressure on the fabric.

Step 2: Fill a Sink or Basin with Warm Water

Fill a sink or basin with warm water. Make sure the water is only warm but boiling hot. Submerge the zip-top bag in the water, allowing the air to escape before sealing it completely.

Step 3: Agitate the Bag in the Water

Gently agitate the bag in the warm water for a few minutes. This process will help relax the fibers and promote stretching.

Step 4: Check and Repeat if Necessary

After a few minutes, remove the bag from the water and check the garment. If it’s showing signs of improvement, carefully remove it from the bag and follow the rinsing and drying steps mentioned earlier. If further stretching is needed, repeat the process until the desired size is achieved.

How to Prevent Clothes or Shirts from Shrinking?

  • Read Care Labels: Always check the care labels on your clothing for specific washing and drying instructions.
  • Cold Water Wash: Whenever possible, opt for cold water wash cycles. Hot water can contribute to shrinking.
  • Air Dry: Air drying is gentler on fabrics compared to using a dryer. You can use a dryer but make sure to use it on low settings only. 
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Don’t overload your washing machine or dryer, as this can lead to uneven shrinking.
  • Use Delicate Cycles: For delicate fabrics, use the gentle or delicate cycle on your washing machine.
  • Pre-Shrink Fabrics: If you’re working with a fabric that’s known to shrink, consider pre-shrinking it before sewing or wearing it.
  • Avoid High Heat: High heat is a major culprit behind shrinking. Be cautious with heat exposure during washing and drying.

Finding it difficult to unshrink clothes? 

If you have a busy routine or find it way too difficult to unshrink your clothes at home then you can definitely try out professional laundry and dry cleaning services. Especially for the clothes that require extra care and attention.

At Love2Laundry, we use industry-leading techniques and we make sure that your fabric is handled with exceptional care in order to avoid anything related to shrinking, color bleeding or any other laundry mishap. While having us as your laundry partner you can rest assured that your laundry and dry cleaning will be handled by an expert team with utmost care. 


In conclusion, unshrinking clothes is a task that requires patience and care, but it is definitely possible. By following the step-by-step methods about how to unshrink the clothes mentioned above and tailoring the approach to the specific fabric, you can often rescue your shrunken garments and bring them back to life. Remember that prevention is the best strategy, so take the necessary precautions to avoid shrinking your clothes in the first place. 

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle shrinking mishaps and keep your wardrobe looking its best. Also, If you are too lazy to follow these tips of even doing laundry on your own then you can try our professional laundry and dry cleaning services in Dubai to make yourself free from all the laundry and dry cleaning hassles. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Can you Unshrink clothes by ironing?

No, you cannot unshrink clothes by just ironing them. You must need to follow a proper guide in order to unshrink your clothes. 

Can you Unshrink cotton clothes?

Unshrinking cotton clothes might be challenging. You start soaking your clothes in lukewarm water with some conditioner, leave it for a while, stretch a bit, and air dry it. 

How do you Unshrink stretchy clothes?

To unshrink stretchy clothes you need a lot of effort. Therefore, it is recommended to take help from Love2Laundry, a leading laundry and dry cleaning company in Dubai. 

Does steaming clothes shrink them?

No, steaming clothes does not typically shrink them. In fact, steaming is often used as a gentle method for refreshing and removing wrinkles from garments without causing shrinkage.