5 Simple Steps For How to Wash Microfiber Cloth

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How to Wash Microfiber Clothes

To achieve the longevity and performance of your microfiber cloth, understanding the standard protocols regarding how to wash microfiber cloth becomes crucial and paramount, as it’s an integral part of the fabric care routine. Let’s go over the entire process of how to clean microfiber cloth and the best way to clean microfiber cloth.

Also, these delicate fabrics demand specialized cleaning techniques done by professionals, and for that, Love2Laundry is the best option for washing microfiber cloth with extra care and dedication. 

Whether it’s about tackling everyday laundry issues or addressing comprehensive dry cleaning tasks, Love2Laundry is mastering the art of cleaning microfiber cloth.

How often to Wash Microfiber Cloth

To maintain the integrity of microfiber cloth, it is important to understand how to wash microfiber cloth and how often you should wash it. It is advisable to wash microfiber dusters and mop heads after every use. In this way, you can get rid of dust and other particles.

It is advisable to wash microfiber towels up to three times after using them. As dish towels do not need to be cleaned, rinse them thoroughly and hang them to dry. Also, avoid fabric softeners when you wash them. 

How to Wash Microfiber Cloth

Washing microfiber clothes has to be done properly with complete instructions. To do so you must know how to wash microfiber cloth using the 5 simple steps. Materials you may need: 

  • Mild laundry detergent
  • Drying rack or automatic dryer
  • Washing machine 

Step 1: Sort them Out

Start by sorting out the microfiber cleaning cloth separately. They can trap hair, dirt, debris, and lint, and you surely don’t want them to interweave with other items, right? So it is better to sort them according to their type and fabric.

Step 2: Shake Off the Dirt Dance

Shaking off the dirt from the microfiber cloth by wringing or beating it, removes excess dust from the cloth. 

Step 3: Use a Mild Detergent

When washing delicate fabric with synthetic materials, you must know how to wash microfiber cloth and the care instructions; however, it is advisable to use a mild detergent. A gentle detergent helps preserve the fabric’s integrity, prevents color fading, and reduces the risk of irritation and complications.

Step 4: The Gentle Spin

  • Delicate and synthetic items like microfiber cloth, silk, and linen require special attention and care. 
  • Make sure to give a gentle speed cycle of around 600 rpm. 
  • The microfiber cloth is prone to ripping in the washing machine, so the spin speed should be gentle. 

 Step 5: Choose the drying method wisely

  • Remove it from the washer, once the microfiber cloth is washed properly.
  • Give each one a shake to help release wrinkles and creases.
  • Hang it in fresh air to dry or on a drying rack. 
  • Set the dryer to low heat for a short cycle.
  • Avoid dryer sheets.

Do’s and Don’ts to Clean Microfiber Cloth


  • Wash the microfiber cloth after every light or routine cleaning or at least after every third use. 
  • Check the care label for washing instructions and better handling; different microfiber towels have different cleaning instructions. However, it is advisable to hand-wash your clothes.
  • Wash, fold and store microfiber cloths on a shelf properly or place them in a sealed container. 
  • Trim off the short threads using a baby nail trimmer.


  • Using detergent and harsh soaps reduces the efficiency and effectiveness of microfiber cloths.
  • Using bleach and fabric softener can ruin the integrity of fibers and fill the spaces between fibers.
  • Using a dirty microfiber cloth can cause dirt and other particles and can damage surfaces.
  • Exposure to sunlight or a high-heat environment can melt and deform the synthetic fibers of the cloth. Avoid storing at a high temperature.
  • Using anti-cling dryer sheets will counteract the clinginess. Avoid these sheets. 

FAQs – Ironing service in Dubai

Can I machine wash microfiber cloth?

Yes, you can machine wash the microfiber cloth if it has become dirty or stained with another microfiber cloth, or you can contact Love2Laundry for better results and extra care. They will handle it; they know how to wash microfiber cloth; that’s how you wash microfiber cloth.

Do I need a special detergent for microfiber?

Use fragrance-free and additive-free detergents is preferable instead of fabric softeners and traditional detergents. Detergents with fragrances or fabric softeners coat the fibers and cause them to be ineffective at cleaning. That’s how to wash microfiber cloth. 

Can you wash microfiber with soap?

Washing microfiber cloth with soap is effective only if it is mild, clean-rinsing liquid soap. And avoid harsh soap or fabric softener.

How many times can you wash microfiber?

Ideally, microfiber cloth should be washed after every use to get rid of dust and dirt immediately without building them up the cloth’s surface. 

Wrap Up!

So far, you have cultivated a deep understanding of how to wash microfiber cloth. Sort them accordingly, use mild detergents, avoid fabric softeners, and choose drying methods wisely. By incorporating these practices into your laundry routine, you can prolong the lifespan of certain fabrics and maintain cleanliness. 

If you find it challenging you may ask how do you wash microfiber cloth, or you can get it washed by a professional laundry and dry cleaning company like Love2Laundry.