8 Tips for washing clothes in an Eco-friendly way

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eco-friendly laundry solutions

In a world where the consequences of climate change loom large, our commitment to environmental sustainability is more crucial than ever. But fear not, for you can be a part of this positive change, starting with the way you wash your clothes.

Do you want to know the useful tips for washing clothes in an eco-friendly way?

Consider yourself lucky, because Love2Launndry can fix your problems, as it is offering an eco-friendly and effective laundry and dry-cleaning solutions in Dubai. We aim to give the best services to our customers with 24/7 customer support. Don’t be hesitated to reach us. 

Now, imagine taking matters into your own hands for a truly eco-friendly approach. Ready to make a difference right from your home? Here’s a guide to washing your clothes in a way that’s not just clean but also environmentally friendly. 

Learn simple yet impactful tips that align with the planet’s well-being while keeping your wardrobe in top shape. That is because sustainability starts with small steps and choices and you have the full power to make them every time whenever you do your laundry on you own. Let’s find out amazing tips for eco-friendly laundry at home. 

a woman putting clothes in to the washing machine

Tips for washing clothes in Eco friendly way

Stats shows that, on an average a washing machine consumes 41 gallons of water per load and hundreds of toxic volatile organic compounds emit by detergent into an environment. Well, that sounds too much, no? But we got some sustainable laundry practices for washing clothes in eco-friendly way and develop a greener lifestyle. 

Choose Eco-Friendly Detergents

Using the same conventional detergents is not recommended at it degrades the cloth’s fabric but also effect the eco system. But choosing eco-friendly laundry detergents would be a wise step, as they are made up of natural ingredients i.e., plant based. 

Eco friendly detergents don’t contain harsh chemicals like sulfate and phosphate. It not only makes the fabric softer but also contribute its part towards the sustainability of environment. 

Use Cold Water

Study shows that 90% of washing process involves the consumption of hot water.  Due to which it might damage the material of your fabric, as it will get shrink and faded and make it feel little harder after wash. 

Then why not washing clothes in an eco-friendly way? use cold water instead, it will protect the texture of your fabric and will be gentle to wear. And it is more effective than washing your clothes in warm or hot water. 

Embrace Full Loads

There’s an assumption that washing full loads may affect the performance of machine and it may conserve energy, well this goes right in the case of over loading only. Instead go for full loads i.e., 3 quarters of an average machine, it will save the consumption of water and make the best use of energy and water in one go. 

Air Dry Whenever Possible

Air drying is the most effective and easiest way towards eco friendly solution. Giving steam and artificial heat to your washed cloths might damage the fibers and it also consumes extra energy and water for this process. 

Try air drying your clothes as it better for the environment as well. Or even if you just want to hang it in fresh air after wearing it once, there is absolutely no harm in it.  

Invest in a High-Efficiency Washing Machine or Hire Love2Laundry

Before investing in a high efficiency washing machine consider two main factors: integrated modified energy factor and integrated water factor. As the performance depends on the rating of these two factors.

Also, while using washing machines make sure they the filters of washing machine is well cleaned and doesn’t have any residue or dirt. If the filters are full of dirt your washing machine will consume more energy than usual.

But in case if you don’t want to buy yourself, trust Love2Laundry as they offering the best services in Dubai by using high efficiency washing machines. 

Say No to Fabric Softeners

Fabric softeners may capture the odors and fragrance on the clothes and it does not go away easily even after 2-3 wears. Many people are allergic to odors and it may cause skin complications as well. Try using natural soaps for washing purpose and avoid these artificial fabric softeners. 

Repair Instead of Replace

Last but not the least, make a habit to repairing your clothes instead of replacing or discarding it. It takes nothing but a small effort towards a sustainable environment. It could be sewing a button of your collar or a mend a patch of your favorite dress. 

How Love2Laundry Provides Eco-Friendly Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Solutions

In case you are newly moved to Dubai and looking for best eco-friendly laundry and dry-cleaning solutions near you, here is the best chance for you to avail Love2Laundry services. As Love2Laundry offer some incredible services with professional cleaners and methods mentioned below:

two persons holding pile of clothes

Green Detergents

Love2Laundry always prioritize using eco-friendly green detergents, as they are harmless for the fabric as well as our environment. Many plant-based laundry detergents have natural ingredients which can soften the fabric after wash and prolongs the life span of a fabric. Hence, green detergents for greener lifestyle.

Low-Temperature Washing

Washing clothes in high temperature may damage your clothes and reduce the life of it. But low temperature washing is quite effective as it requires less energy and keep your fabric save and enhance the overall life of the fabric. Whereas, hot water from washing machine can contribute to greenhouse gas emission which is toxic for the environment.

High-Efficiency Machines

The lower the consumption of water or energy, the lower the contribution of polluting environment. Love2Laundry makes sure to put a part on this campaign and uses high efficiency machines that not only saves water and energy consumption but also improves the performance of washing process. 

Air Drying Techniques

Air drying is basically a process when your washed clothes are directly being exposed in sun and dried on air fresh. Love2laundry are using different techniques for air drying and making sure not to contribute to carbon emission. 

Eco-Conscious Packaging

When it comes to packaging, Love2Laundry always consider biodegradable materials. As it reduces the chances or impacts on an environment as compared to plastic traditional style packaging.

Eco friendly vehicles for pick and drop

Love2Laundry uses eco friendly means of transportation i.e., electric vehicles. Electric vehicles reduce the carbon footprint in terms of pick and drop services.

Wrap Up

Let’s summarize this blog into two main parts; what are the possible methods and tips for washing clothes in eco-friendly ways and love2laundry as the well-known laundry provider in Dubai, their services and contribution to the well being of an environment. 

By adopting these approaches, we can not only save the energy and water consumption but also make a baby step towards sustainability of our environment! 


What is the most environmentally friendly washing detergent?

Environmentally friendly washing detergent depends on various factors but if we say the safest and most friendly solution then it would be choosing biodegradable and plant-based laundry detergents. 

As the ingredients involve in these detergents are not harmful for the environment and completely safe for your clothes and even for your newborn baby clothes too. 

How can I make my laundry eco-friendly?

Well, there are many ways for which you can adopt eco-friendly methods for your laundry like; choosing the best eco-friendly detergents. Highly efficient machines, cold water or low temperature, and air drying. 

How can we reduce environmental impact when washing clothes?

We can reduce the environmental impacts using different techniques such as, buying clothes that don’t have plastic fibers, wash less and use natural detergents, use low temperature for washing process and air dry them in old fashion way. In this way we can contribute our part for the betterment of the future.